French Chain Link Silver Antique



French Chain Link Silver Antique bracelet, circa 1880s/1890s, completely handcrafted, with thirty little 9ct Rose Gold stars evenly placed along its length.
20cms bracelet length, width 15mm.
25.1 grams in weight. Needless to say, the weight of this rare Silver Antique bracelet has very little bearing on its price.

See below further information on this rare Silver Antique.


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French Chain Link Silver Antique bracelet, from the 1880s/1890s, completely handmade, every little Silver granule on every outside link individually soldered in place. The late 1800s period of the above Silver French Chain Link coincided with the greatest production of Silver jewellery the West has ever seen, across the Channel in England, that had Birmingham at the time called “Silver City” due to its prominence in the production.
The French produced nothing like the volume of Silver jewellery as England did in its Late Victorian period, however, the quality of the workmanship of the French product tends to be better, certainly in general better than that out of Birmingham. (Interestingly, the English dealers in antique jewellery will always say the work out of a number of U.K centres, e.g. Cheshire and particularly London, was consistently of a higher grade of craftsmanship than that out of Birmingham.)
Where in France the above Silver Chain Link bracelet was crafted is unknown -perhaps the indecipherable French stamps around the bracelet clasp would indicate the provenance, but one would need to be a serious expert in French assay stamps to sort that- however, an educated guess would put it as Paris.
The thirty little star emblems fixed to one side of the chain bracelet are crafted in 9ct Rose Gold -again, a typically French touch. The other side of the chain bracelet presents simply as Silver, so the bracelet could be worn with no Gold showing.
