Gold Sovereign Coin Pendant



Gold Sovereign Coin Pendant, Melbourne mint 1892, Victoria’s so-called “Jubilee Head” on the obverse.
9ct Gold pendant mount hallmarked London in the year 1978, weighs approx 1.5grams; it is priced at $250 and that is included in the total price.

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Gold Sovereign Coin Pendant. A Gold Sovereign is a Gold Sovereign: 7.988 grams weight, 22mm across, 1.52mm thick, 22ct Gold. This particular coin is of the Jubilee year of 1892 and was minted in that year in Melbourne (with its little M stamp in the ground beneath the dragon).
Queen Victoria’s head on the obverse of this coin is the so-called Jubilee Head, having to do with the celebration of 50 years as queen; the head was designed by one Joseph Boehm for the 1887 minting, but though Victoria herself signed off on it, it was not a popular design, with unkind comments in the press about the precariousness of the crown’s position on the monarch’s head, and Victoria grew to dislike it; it was terminated in 1893, the year after the above coin was minted in Melbourne.
The pendant mount for the coin, specifically made for Gold Sovereigns, is hallmarked London 9ct Gold in the year 1978. Exactly the same design of Sovereign pendant mount is still available all over the world and is still crafted in London.
The above pendant has been used as a pendant, worn often enough over years. The same 1892 Melbourne Gold Sovereign, not mounted and in mint condition, can be found in Sydney at around $1600.