Classic English Handmade Silver Clip Bangle



Classic English handmade Silver clip bangle, Sterling Silver and very finely hand-engraved in a fluid decorative style.
Hallkmarked London in the year 1965. In very good condition, its clip mechanism and hinge operating properly.
Ovoid in shape, 63x55mm interior measurements. Uniform 18mm width, 4.5mm thickness.

See below for further information in on this fine example of the English Silver clip bangle.


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Classic English handmade Silver Clip Bangle. The above Classic English Clip Bangle was handcrafted in London in the year 1965, very nicely reproducing a style of clip bangle popularized in England more than fifty years before, in the early 1900s, and mostly crafted in Birmingham. This type of bangle was always created hollow, but often with Silver plate that, given the hollowness, should have been thicker, and consequently very few of those earlier works have survived the dings of time and wear. The above, judging by its heft, its weightiness when jigged in the palm of the hand,  has been created with Silver plate of a reasonably substantial thickness.  It is certainly in excellent condition.
The engraving is hand-worked with a burin, a metal cutting tool. Nowadays this labour-intensive and highly skilled method of cutting a design in metal has been superseded by the laser engraver, to be found in most shoe repair shops, along with key cutting and watch battery replacements. Engraving with a laser, no matter how fluent the hand that wields it, cannot produce the depth in the incised work of the burin in capable hands. The quality of the engraving on the above is very good, and though perhaps not of the quality produced in the late 1800s in England, is as good as anything produced in the early 1900s.
