Fine Handmade 9ct Gold Bracelet

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Fine Handmade 9ct Gold bracelet, from a design of the Arts and Crafts movement, English late 1800s; each link a figure-of-eight worked in a length of 9ct Gold 0.5mm round wire, impossible to replicate by machine.
See below further information on the design and the period.

18cms bracelet length, 1.3 grams 9ct Gold weight. The price of this 9ct Gold handcrafted bracelet of interesting design is about the same for an Italian imported chain of the same weight.

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Fine Handmade 9ct Gold Bracelet. A close look at the link work on the above bracelet shows the piece to be handcrafted. Linkage such as this is impossible to produce by machine. Each link is a length of 9ct Gold 0.5mm round wire crossed over to create a figure-of-eight, the ends turned at the waist and carefully soldered. The work is precise, neat, the craft of a patient, experienced bench jeweller. These days no bench jeweller in the affluent West capable of such work would contemplate creating such a chain: too time-consuming; and even in India, itself increasingly affluent, it has become difficult to find a Gold worker both capable and willing.
The design is early Arts and Crafts, English late 1800s, one of the many from that movement aimed at artisans reacting against mass production, wanting the satisfaction of producing items of beauty by hand.