44 Malachite Bead Silver Chain Necklace



44 Malachite beads, polished 3mm round, the characteristic striations of the mineral eye-visible even in such small beads; strung together on hand-worked, twist-wired Sterling Silver, neat, simple and elegant.
46cms total necklace length, perfect articulation.

See below for a little potted history of the mineral.

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44 Malachite Bead Silver Chain Necklace; the green of Malachite mineral comes through its copper content, and indeed it is known that deposits of Malachite were mined to be smelted down for the copper as long as six thousand years ago.
The green of Malachite is vivid, and its characteristic flowing striations, from dark to lighter greens, along with it taking a high polish and being carvable, makes it an excellent ornamental. The mines of the mineral in the Russian Urals fed an industry of carved vases and table tops in Tsarist Russia; the Mayans of Central America in the 600s considered it prestigious; the craftsmen of the ruling Chinese dynasties of 700bce carved bowls from it.
Malachite has a very long story line.
