SOLD. Rare Coral Bracelet, with Gold



SOLD. Rare Coral bracelet, with 9ct Gold spring clasp, end rings and four solid 9ct Gold flat end weight beads.
20.5cms length, professionally strung in Sydney on black silk, knotted each bead.
33 AGrade old gemstone Coral beads from Sth India, Mediterranean origin, well-matched in fine deep saturated orange-red, and in size, all beads approx 6.7 to 7mm width, approx 5mm thick; the total Coral weight 11.3 grams.

See below further information on this rare precious bracelet.

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Rare Coral Bracelet, with Gold. Old, and very nicely matched beads, of AGrade fine saturated orange-red gemstone quality, from South India.
Every one of the 33 beads in the above bracelet would have been hand-cut in Sth India from the same Coral branch by the same artesan, some time around the mid-1900s, in the creation of enough beads for one of the Coral necklaces so favoured over the centuries in that part of the world.
Gemstone Coral has been highly appreciated throughout Asia since antiquity, nowhere more so than in Sth India, and has been imported in branch form from the two main sources of the gemstone, the China Sea and the Mediterranean, for a very, very long time, probably millennia. (Certainly the ports of Sth India were hubs of commerce and trade with the Mediterranean world of Ancient Rome.)
The gemstones in the above Rare Coral bracelet had their source in the Mediterranean, their saturated deep orange-red very particular to that source.

Note: the two faceted flat 9ct Gold beads flanking both end Corals of the bracelet are solid 9ct Gold, not hollow, deliberately so placed to weigh the bracelet so that the catch/rings section is more likely to manoevre itself towards the rear of the wrist when worn.
