Gold Earstud Settings, 9mm White Pearl



Gold Earstud settings, handcrafted Sydney in solid 9ct Gold, especially for the matched pair of fine white 9mm round Pearls.
Solidly finished at rear, 9ct Gold posts and handmade “butterfly” post clips.

See below for further information on these fine, simply-styled handmade Gold and Pearl earstuds.

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Gold Earstud Settings, 9mm White Pearl. The above 9ct Gold Earstud settings are Sydney-crafted, completely handmade specifically for these fine white matched “button” Pearls of quite reasonable size at 9mm round. The term “button” refers to the cultivated flattened shape at the rear of the above pair. This flattened “button” form can be seen clearly in the second image above, showing a reverse view of one of the pair; that image also shows clearly the solidity of the construction of these earstuds, with the walls of the settings a touch over 1mm in thickness.
Interestingly, the bench jeweller who created these Gold Earstud settings for Christopher William also handmade the 9ct Gold “butterfly” post clips. Very rarely are these “butterfly” post clips, either in Silver or Gold, not imported from either Italy or China.
