Assorted Semi Precious Gemstones, Necklace



Assorted Semi Precious gemstones: Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Tigers Eye, Malachite.
Necklace created in Sydney, professionally strung in Sydney on silk, knotted, Silver end-rings/spring clasp.
43cms necklace length, dimensions of centre facetted Lapis Lazuli 14x7mm.

See below for further information on this Sydney creation.

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Assorted Semi Precious Gemstones. Afghani Lapis Lazuli, Tigers Eye, East African green Malachite, Turquoise from China, orange-brown Carnelian from Gujerat west India, cut Crystal Quartz, and one very old banded Agate bead, excavated in the Mazar-i-Sharif region of north Afghanistan. And spacers throughout, between each bead, of small unpolished Afghani Lapis.
The necklace has been professionally strung in Sydney, on silk knotted here and there throughout. The cost of such professional Sydney stranding has risen over 60% since Covid, and constitutes a not inconsiderable portion of the end retail price of this strand.
